
Salinjaui gieokbeob

Directed by: Shin-yeon Won

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Movie poster Człowiek bez pamięci
Original title: Salinjaui gieokbeob
Runtime: 118 min.
Production: Korea Płd. , 2017
Category: action / thriller
Release Date: 13 July 2018
Distribution: Mayfly

Directed by: Shin-yeon Won
Cast: Kyung-gu Sol, Nam-gil Kim, Seol-Hyun Kim

Once Byung-su was a serial killer - he killed those who, in his opinion, deserved to die. But it was a long time ago, because after a tragic car accident he ended up killing. Currently, the man lives with his teenage daughter, Eun-hee, and struggles with Alzheimer's disease - his memory is unreliable, and the memories are more and more fragmented. Meanwhile, a new wave of homicides appears in the city, and Byung-su wonders if he is responsible for these crimes.

A man without memory is a crime thriller based on the best-selling novel by Kim Young-ha (Black flower, Empire of lights, I can leave when I want). Within 5 days of the premiere, the film won a million viewers, becoming one of the box office thralls of the Korean box office. The main role
the film was played by Kyung-gu Sol who for human without memory received 2 awards for the best actor (Korea Film Reporters Association Film Awards and Director's Cut Awards).

Average rate: 5.0
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IMDb© rate: Człowiek bez pamięci on IMDb

Movie trailer: Salinjaui gieokbeob

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