
Bastille Day

Directed by: James Watkins

Cinema program "Bastille Day" in Sopot

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Movie poster Dzień Bastylii
Original title: Bastille Day
Runtime: 92 min.
Production: Francja / USA , 2016
Category: action / thriller
Release Date: 3 June 2016
Distribution: Best Film

Directed by: James Watkins
Cast: Richard Madden, Idris Elba, Kelly Reilly

France, Bastille Day. The Paris metro bombings. This growing panic. Clues lead to pickpocket Michael Mason. Investigation directs an experienced CIA agent Sean Briar, who senses that behind the attack is someone else, much more dangerous ... This one really knows what will be the next step to the police. Removed from the investigation Briar, starts risky game. Contrary to his principles decides to cooperate with the pickpocket. From that moment they have 24 hours and can count only on themselves.

Average rate: 6.0
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Movie trailer: Bastille Day

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