
Empire of the Sun

Directed by: Steven Spielberg

Cinema program "Empire of the Sun" in Sopot

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Movie poster Imperium słońca
Original title: Empire of the Sun
Runtime: 152 min.
Production: USA , 1987
Category: drama / war
Release Date: 5 December 2014
Distribution: Warner

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson

The film aroused great interest worldwide in both the public as well as in the critics; was also nominated for an Oscar in the ten kategoriach.Szanghaj, early 40s Twelve-year-Jim, the son of a British diplomat, is in spite of the atrocities of the Second World War, which broke out around the world already, a lover of Japanese military aircraft. When Japan attacked China and its troops enter to Shanghai, the boy is a terrible coincidence, separated from their parents and placed in a POW camp. Endeavors to endure captivity with dignity and uplift fellow prisoners.

Average rate: 6.0
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Your comments

st 11. December 2014, 21:47

Wcale nie był miłośnikiem samolotów japońskich, ale samolotów ogólnie - P51 - Cadillac of the Skies? - to akurat myśliwiec amerykański.

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