
How to Talk to Girls at Parties

Directed by: John Cameron Mitchell

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Original title: How to Talk to Girls at Parties
Runtime: 102 min.
Production: Wlk. Brytania/USA , 2017
Category: comedy / music / romance
Release Date: 10 August 2018
Distribution: Mayfly

Directed by: John Cameron Mitchell
Cast: Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman, Ruth Wilson

London, 1977. Young punk Enn along with his friends John and Vic accidentally go to a strange party of foreign exchange students. At home, Enn meets a beautiful and mysterious Zan, who wants the boy to "show her" punk. A 24-hour adventure begins, full of music, partying and destruction of public property. The hero falls in love with a girl who is really an alien, and the alleged foreign exchange turns out to be from another galaxy.

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Movie trailer: How to Talk to Girls at Parties

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