
Karsten og Petra pa vinterferie

Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess

Cinema program "Karsten og Petra pa vinterferie" in Sopot

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Movie poster Kacper i Emma - zimowe wakacje
Original title: Karsten og Petra pa vinterferie
Runtime: 73 min.
Production: Norwegia , 2014
Category: family
Release Date: 5 December 2014
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Nora Amundsen, Hilde Louise Asbjornsen, Janne Formoe

Casper and Emma spend their winter holidays with his grandfather girls where playing in the snow and learning to ski.

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Movie trailer: Karsten og Petra pa vinterferie

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