
Fun Mom Dinner

Directed by: Alethea Jones

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Movie poster Mamuśki mają wychodne
Original title: Fun Mom Dinner
Runtime: 89 min.
Production: USA , 2017
Category: comedy
Release Date: 18 August 2017
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Alethea Jones
Cast: Katie Aselton, Toni Collette, Molly Shannon

In the hit comedy not just for ladies, Marlon 5's leader Adam Levine ("Let's start again") throws four women into the whirlpool of the night life they've long forgotten. Together they will show you how to dance all night, gossip about everything and everyone, and spend time with the best friends. Toni Collette ("Little Miss", "Hours"), Katie Aselton ("Dar"), Bridget Everett ("Sex in a Big City") and Molly Shannon ("Longer Engagement").

Daily life in the house full of children and duties, it is not shreds. Four mothers are aware of the day-to-day struggle of indulgence, the lack of time, the eternal mess and the artificial smile that communicates to people that they still "manage". As the comforters of the heroines walk to the same kindergarten, their mothers also agree to get to know each other better during the dinner. Initially reluctant, they eventually leave the children under the care of their partners and set out on a seemingly innocent meeting. On the spot of fears they quickly give way to honest conversations and fun on the whole. The pace of the action and the beating of hearts will accelerate to a whopping speed when one of the bars meets a mercilessly bartender named Luke (Adam Levine). Soon it turns out that for such a night each of them waited a lifetime.

Average rate: 3.0
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IMDb© rate: Mamuśki mają wychodne on IMDb

Movie trailer: Fun Mom Dinner

Your comments

jk 20. August 2017, 20:37

Kompletna strata czasu. Beznadzieja.

Pepa 19. August 2017, 20:01

Nie jest tak źle jak się wydaje. Czy chwilami ordynarnie? Tak. Czy przewidywalnie? Tak. Ale w sumie pogodne to.
Coraz więcej filmów o zmęczonych mamuśkach i już samo to powinno dać do myślenia.

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