
Ma Loute

Directed by: Bruno Dumont

Cinema program "Ma Loute" in Sopot

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Movie poster Martwe wody
Original title: Ma Loute
Runtime: 122 min.
Production: Niemcy/Francja , 2016
Category: comedy
Release Date: 12 May 2017
Distribution: Gutek Film

Directed by: Bruno Dumont
Cast: Fabrice Luchini, Juliette Binoche, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi

Meet the Van Peteghem family, the true aristocrats in whose veins flow blue blood. Its members are almost completely depraved, mostly degenerate, constantly blanched, and some even hum and stutter. And they are disgustingly rich. In the summer they love to sail in their magnificent seaside mansion, spending time recollecting the glorious past, admiring the innocence of fishermen, idle and satisfying their decadent whim.

But even Van Pete, who has seen almost everything, is not ready for what will happen next to their summer mansion. Local people are beginning to disappear. In mysterious circumstances, in a white day, and without a trace. The puzzles are solved by two eccentric police inspectors, famous for unconventional methods of work and indescribable stupidity.

Juliette Binoche, Fabrice Luchini (Valeria Bruni Tedeschi) and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi ("Madness of Happiness") are brawling in the Van Peteghem family in Bruno Dumont's "Little Quinquin" "), Which became a hit with French cinemas. "Dead Water" is a black comedy like deep waters of French bays and absurd as "Monty Python's Flying Circus."

Average rate: 4.0
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IMDb© rate: Martwe wody on IMDb

Movie trailer: Ma Loute

Your comments

Roberto 27. December 2017, 19:04

Komunizm u wrót Europy! Rewolucja proletariatu zapowiedziana w tym filmie wydaje się nieuchronna Lewicowy reżyser spragniony jest krwi. Arystokracja jest chora na ciele i umyśle, policja i wojsko i ksiądz to durnie. Prości ludzie są solą ziemi. Koleją rzeczy jest usprawiedliwiony mord. Film jako czerwony manifest, mimo że udaje komedię jest bardzo niebezpieczny. Komunizm w Rosji trwał 70 lat i pochłonął wiele istot.

rika 15. June 2017, 22:12

Arcydzieło dla miłośników gatunku - filmu z pewnością nie da się zapomnieć:)

Mariposa 10. June 2017, 21:42

Pojechany na maxa

pedrovski47 19. May 2017, 17:11

Absolutnie cudowny film!

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