
Snekker Andersen og Julenissen

Directed by: Terje Rangnes

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Movie poster Mikołaj w każdym z nas
Original title: Snekker Andersen og Julenissen
Runtime: 70 min.
Production: Norwegia , 2016
Category: comedy / family
Release Date: 24 November 2017
Distribution: Vivarto

Directed by: Terje Rangnes
Cast: Thor Michael Aamodt, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Ann Carnarius Elseth

I guess no one in the world loves more holidays from Carpenter Andersen. Each year he devotes himself to providing his family with the perfect Christmas. As everyone knows - Christmas is the most important element of Christmas is the visit of Nicholas. But it is a miserable accident and Andersen destroys the gifts he wants to give his children. Oppressive saves him ... the real Santa Claus. Andersen will have to help him, however, and in quite an unusual way.
A charming, warm and family movie about the magic that Christmas has.

Average rate: 1.0
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IMDb© rate: Mikołaj w każdym z nas on IMDb

Movie trailer: Snekker Andersen og Julenissen

Your comments

MAdelaine 6. December 2017, 19:18

Przyjemny ale sztucznie brzmiace głosy aktorów okropnie mi przeszkadzają:( tu juz przeciezx lepszy dubbing!

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