

Directed by: Niki Caro

Cinema program "Mulan" in Sopot

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Movie poster Mulan
Original title: Mulan
Runtime: 120 min.
Production: USA , 2020
Release Date: 11 September 2020
Distribution: Disney

Directed by: Niki Caro
Cast: Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jet Li

Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of a successful warrior, decides to secretly go to war instead of her sick father. Disguised as a man, he must find his inner strength and use his full potential to face the tough tests he undergoes at every turn.

Average rate: 6.0
rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0
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Movie trailer: Mulan

Your comments

Dociekliwy 17. September 2020, 21:00

Super ale niech mi ktoś odpowie na pytanie, skąd koczownicy na koniach nagle wytrzasnęli machiny oblężnicze?

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