
I Am Not a Witch

Directed by: Rungano Nyoni

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Original title: I Am Not a Witch
Runtime: 93 min.
Production: Wlk. Brytania/Francja , 2017
Category: drama
Release Date: 20 April 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Rungano Nyoni
Cast: Benfors 'Wee Do, Boyd Banda, Kalundu Banda

For a dozen or so minutes, the standing ovation in Cannes for Rungano Nyoni and her dark fairy tale, which takes place in Zambia, lasted in Cannes. Recognized as a witch and an orphan vulnerable to accusations, a nine-year-old Shula is sent to a witch camp. Excluded from the community, isolated women are forced to work hard and treated as a tourist attraction (with a few satirical scenes, the director actually "swept" - to stick to witches' accessories - the issue of the so-called suffering tourism leading the path of violence and poverty). Each witch has a white sash attached to her back - so that she can not fly away. In the film, such a sash is realism, thanks to which the fairy-tale, magical world never loses its connection with reality. Perfectly dosed exotics and homeliness, symbolism and moral particulars, plus a large handful of poetry, a dash of humor and the phenomenal little Maggie Mulubwa in the main role - all this creates a magical film mix, working long after leaving the cinema.

Prepared by: Małgorzata Sadowska

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Movie trailer: I Am Not a Witch

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