
Obce ciało

Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi

Cinema program "Obce ciało" in Sopot

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Movie poster Obce ciało
Original title: Obce ciało
Runtime: 117 min.
Production: Polska / Włochy / Rosja Category: drama
Release Date: 5 December 2014
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi
Cast: Riccardo Leonelli, Agnieszka Grochowska, Agata Buzek, Weronika Rosati

Angelo (Riccardo Leonelli) and Barry (Agata Buzek) know in Italy and fall in love at first sight. Their relationship is abruptly interrupted by the decision to join the girls to the monastery and its going to Polish. Angelo launched his beloved, to persuade her to change her mind. It employs a multinational corporation, and his superior is ruthless and cynical boss - Kris (Agnieszka Grochowska). Backed by an assistant ready for anything Mira (Weronika Rosati), a woman will try to force subordinate to break all the rules, which has always been faithful.

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Movie trailer: Obce ciało

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