

Directed by: Ava DuVernay

Cinema program "Selma" in Sopot

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Movie poster Selma
Original title: Selma
Runtime: 127 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: biography
Release Date: 10 April 2015
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Ava DuVernay
Cast: David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth

One of the most famous American films of the year, won the Golden Globe and an Oscar (for Best Original Song - John Legend feat. Common "Glory") and nominated for the prestigious awards nearly seventy. Based on real events, the touching story of Nobel Peace Prize winner - Martin Luther King. In the role of a loving father and husband, and also a charismatic leader and a visionary who changed forever the face of America, played by Golden Globe-nominated David Oyelowo ("butler", "Interstellar", "The Help"). He partnered with, among others, Oscar winner - Cuba Gooding Jr. ("Jerry Maguire," "American Gangster", "butler") and nominated for the Academy Award: Tim Roth ("Reservoir Dogs," "Rob Roy"), Tom Wilkinson ("Michael Clayton," "In the Bedroom" ) and Martin Sheen ("Apocalypse Now," "The Departed"), and returning to the big screens Oprah Winfrey ("butler", "The Color Purple"), which is also next to Brad Pitt, co-produced "Selma".

After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Martin Luther King (David Oyelowo) returns to the US, where he faces new challenges. The year is 1965, and the struggle for civil rights of African Americans enter into a decisive phase. From the city of Selma toward Montgomery protest march goes brutally pacified by the police acting under the command of the racist views of famous governor George Wallace (Tim Roth). However, the relationship moving TV, showing the breakdown of peaceful demonstrations, makes for Selma from around the country attracts huge numbers of people with different skin color and religion. Towards Montgomery directed several thousand crowd, led by the King himself. US President Lyndon Johnson (Tom Wilkinson), aware that Governor Wallace will do anything to not have experienced peace demonstrators, frantically looking for a solution that would avoid bloodshed and widely relacjonowanej by the media's image of disaster democratic America.

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Movie trailer: Selma

Your comments

Madelaine 18. April 2015, 19:16

Niezwykle poruszający!

Jaga 17. April 2015, 20:31

Mądry ,ale słaby ........

łukasz 9. April 2015, 20:08

Warto zobaczyć! Bardzo polecam!

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