Cinema program "Peppermint" in Sopot
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Runtime: 102 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: action / drama / thriller
Release Date: 14 September 2018
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Pierre Morel
Cast: Jennifer Garner, Tyson Ritter, John Gallagher Jr.
The creator who made Liam Neeson the new hero of the action movie in "UPROWADZZONE" returns to arm the beautiful Jennifer Garner into an arsenal of weapons, some unique skills and a new acting image.
10 years ago a former agent, a loving father, Bryan Mills, was born, today meet Riley North, a woman who will give a new meaning to the word "revenge".
Riley North is a happy mother and wife. Until the day when the killers acting on behalf of a powerful cartel kill her daughter and husband. Ranna Riley is miraculously alive. The killers are captured and brought to justice. The bribed judge, however, lets them go. Five years have passed since the tragedy, when the police found the bodies of the murdered soldiers of the cartel. Everything points to a merciless execution. Over the next days, more people related to the narcolepsy and murder of relatives of Riley North are killed. It soon becomes clear who the executioner is. After years of preparation, the lonely mother and wife returned to impose the harshest punishment and give hope to those who failed the justice system.

Movie trailer: Peppermint
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